Birds Unlimited

1421 Empire Blvd
Webster, New York 14580
585.288.6455 order line

                 Monday - Friday 11 to 7
                 Saturday- 10 to 5
                 Sunday - closed
BU News


       Welcome to The BU News page, a newsletter sort of a thing, some might call it a blog. Here I'll tell you about what's going on at the store, new stuff, birds, generally things we think that you might find interesting. It's updated regularly so check back often. For more current news check out our FaceBook page, that link is over to the left and down just a bit.

1/20/23.  If you get really bored there's a nice article about the store and me in the latest edition 55Plus magazine, free publication usually found in front of your favorite grocery store.


Ok people, it's time for our annual Black Friday Free Bird Grooming. If you got your bird from us or not.
1. 12 noon to 4PM
2. No appointment necessary. What? Really? Yes, No appointment!!
3. Two bird limit per person.
4. All birds must be in a carrier.
5. Christmas toys will be out.
7. If you have a special needs birds, seizures or excessive beak work please leave it for another day.
8. If we don't see you, have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving

11/19/21,  So we're doing it again. On Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, it's almost become a tradition, we're doing free bird grooming from 12-4. No appointment needed, two bird max and please no birds that are known to have seizures or no way  overgrown beaks as they take too much time. 
 Christmas toys will be out that day. We also just received a ton of Bird safe candles, melts and wax melters. New product alert. Bird Street Bistro is in with eight or so three minute cook recipes and a couple of bird teas. 

10/30/2021  Finally the BOTW page has been updated, as has the staff pics, Most everything that used to go on this page is now on our FaceBook page. Link is over there to the left

11/23/2020, Ok people, it's time for our annual Black Friday Open Free Bird Grooming. Obviously it'll be a bit different this year due to the pandemic, With your cooperation we can do this.
1. 12 noon to 4PM
2. No appointment necessary. What? Really? Yes, No appointment!!
3. Two bird limit per person.
4. Call from the parking lot when you arrive, we'll call you back when it's your turn, 288.4457 or 288.6455, you'll come in with your bird, we'll groom. All birds must be in a carrier.
5. Covid protocol will be in order, wear your masks, hand sanitizer is at the door, social distant yourself, it's easy
6. There will be free bird food samples and stuff on sale, who doesn't like free stuff? Christmas toys will be out too.
7. If you have a special needs birds, seizures or excessive beak work please leave it for another day.
8. If we don't see you, have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving

5/19/2020, NEW ORDER LINE< 585.288.6455. Pandemic hours, Monday- Friday 11-7, Saturday 10-5, still closed on Sundays. Curbside delivery only, call ahead and we'll bring it out to you. If there's something big you need like a cage, lots of toys... we'll get you in here. Be safe, WASH YER HANDS, BE NICE

12/30/19 We'll be closing early on 12/31/19 , New Years @ 3:00. Closed on 1/1/2020 and back at it on Thursday 1/2 @ 11.  Happy New Year, be safe. Thank you for everyone who shopped here in 2019, a great year it was.

12/30/19 Sale on bulk food continues until tomorrow. Buy five pounds from the bulk food bins, get a pound free. Who doesn't like free stuff.

12/30/19 There's a new page on here, over there to the left, called NEW STUFF. We've gotten in a lot of new products in the last few months and they are highlighted there.

12/20/19 Our Annual cage sale is now in progress. Lots to choose from. 10 % off all cages and stands, if it's not in stock you can get the same discount and we'll order it for you.

11/19/19  We have a new rewards program in the store now. The same rewards as far as customers are concerned, you still get money off your sale, free stuff, or discounts on food... Be sure to sign up the next time you're in. Costs you nothing. What a deal. And you can even get a little card for your key chain.

12/12/18 Every year Birds Unlimited donates money to a couple avian organizations, much of that money comes from your donations into the containers on our counter. Thanks so much as this goes to education, helping birds in the wild, and helping to care for birds in general. This year donations went to The American Federation of Aviculture, $100.00 and locally, Wild Wings, $115.00 and a donated gift card as well. Thank you everyone

11/16/18 Back by popular demand and the need to try and get caught up on our grooming, we'll be doing FREE GROOMING on black Friday. No appointment necessary, two bird maximum 11-4. Who doesn't like free stuff? November 23rd, put it on your calendar. Free I tell ya.

There will also be in store specials that day..

10/18/18 So the next time you're here enjoy our newly paved parking lot, smoooooth I tell ya.

Calendars for 2019 are just in, new shipment of toys, heating elements for your birds to keep them toasty during the cooler months.

7/21/18, Wow the store is packed. We've got about 70 cages on the floor, more still to put together, Kings, HQ, A&E, Cage Connections... Too many toys to put them all out, and about 80+ birds came in this week, lots of finches (owls, Gouldians, societies, canaries, conures, Quakers). Honestly the store may never have been so full.

6/28/18 Check this out for Fourth of July safety tips for your bird,.

6/25/18 Free ABBA seed samples, What? Can't be!! Yup, you heard it right my friends. If you regularly get KayTee, SunSeed, Higgins... from us, Birds Unlimited & ABBA want to give you some to try. Free. We have a no sunflower mix and our very popular best seller mix that has sunflower seed in it. So the next time you're in getting food you may end up with a free pound or so.

5/23/18 If any of you are reading this and haven't been to the store yet, now would be a perfect time if you like birds. Inventory is at the highest it has ever been. A cage selection that cannot be beat, there may be 60-70 on the floor, toys came in yesterday and we're loaded, babies are here too, handfeeding over 70 at last count. If you're reading this and you are a regular customer ... it's still a great time to stop by.

4/19/18 April 22nd is Earth Day. It's the only Earth we have so we shouldn't try and crap it up too fast. Although it seems we're doing a pretty poor job of taking care of it now. Here at Birds Unlimited we try and do our part. In the past year or so we've switched from plastic bags back to paper, I hate seeing plastic bags hanging from trees this time of year. More than 350 bulbs were changed to a more efficient LED full spectrum light. We recycle thousands of pounds of cardboard, we recycle hundreds of pounds of bubble wrap... every little bit counts. Plant a tree, recycle, do something nice for Mother Earth.

3/28/18 I spent part of last week on a buying trip down South. Some things have already come in, there'll be more in the upcoming weeks. New manzanita playgyms, perches, toys, cages, holistic stuff. The newest things for birds will be here.


 Busy week for us in here, huge cage delivery more than 70 now on display. Toys came in this week too, too many to get them all out in fact. More than a ton of food came in as well. Man, nothing better than unloading trucks when it's 15 degrees out.

1/31/18 Lafeber has had a recall on one of their products, Nutri Pellets. Don't confuse this w/ Nutri Berries. No birds got sick and only 2 problems were seen. No need to cause alarm. Return to place of purchase.

1/5/18 January 5th, is National Bird Day. 2018 is also being called "The Year of The Bird", by the National Geographic, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, The National Audubon Society, and BirdLife International. 2018 marks the 100th year of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which protects more than 1,025 avian species
The January issue of National Geographic is filled with great photos and stories on, why birds matter. On January 19th NatGeo channel will show "The Planet of the Birds". Happy YEAR OF THE BIRD.

12/19/17  Thank you to everyone who donated to the two bird charities on our front counter. We just sent off a check for 165.00 to the local group Wild Wings. If you haven't been out to see this place put it on your calendar for something to do next year. The other check went to The World Parrot Trust, 80.00 will help parrots in the wild.

12/13/17 It's a Birds Unlimited tradition now, our annual Christmas Cage Sale will commence next week from 12/18-12/23. Cages only now, all cages will be 10 % off, if there is a cage we don't have in stock, pay for it and receive the discount and we'll get it in for you. Now if that's not enough you'll also gets points in our reward program for an additional savings. I know what you're saying, Paul you must be crazy... ok, maybe a little bit but that's fine by me and you'll get to save some money. HAPPY HOLIDAYS from us here at Birds Unlimited.

12/5/17 With Christmas only three weeks away...Please consider that the idea of a pet at Christmas my seem like a great idea but whether it's a dog, cat, hamster, or bird, a living thing is not always a very wise choice as a gift. Shop smart, not impulsively.

12/1/17 Every year between Thanksgiving and New Years we have many customers lose their birds unexpectedly. Sometimes it's from self cleaning ovens, scented candles, teflon poisoning, or just that there is so much more going on and we don't observe our pets like we normally do.Home holiday decorating may also stress a bird. Please be careful and make sure everyone is aware of the daily hazards we could possibly subject our pets to. Make the holidays safe for everyone.

11/22/17 Christmas toys are out !!

11/4/17 Put the date on your calendar, November 24, Black Friday, we will again offer free grooming, no appointment from 11:30-3, 2 bird maximum. The last two years it's been a bit crazy... fun but crazy.

11/4/17 Cooler weather is upon us, kinda sucks as I'm a warm weather kinda person... but if you're concerned about your birds we do have small heated perches and heating elements for cages. These work great for older birds or birds kept in a cooler part of the home and you want to keep your bird a bit warmer.

10/31/17 HAPPY HALLOWEEN, remember chocolate, especially dark chocolate can be toxic to your pets. No candy.

10/24/17 We've got a lot of out of town customers and many that have moved away over the years. many also stop in when they're back in town for holidays or to see family. If there's something you need and don't plan on being in the area soon, let us ship what you need to you. We ship feed almost daily as well as other supplies. We use USPS Priority Mail and most packages are to you in about 2 days. Let us know if we can help.

10/17/17 It's getting to be that time of year again, if you're at a loss for a gift for a bird loving friend we have Gift Certificates, aka Birdie Bucks. In any amount you'd like.

10/5/17 Here are a few things that we do differently here at Birds Unlimited that we believe make a difference...

    * Full Spectrum lighting throughout the store, including the boarding area, more than 300 bulbs were changed to LED full spectrum.

    * Birds regularly receive fresh fruits and veggies, along with a pelleted diet and appropriate seed diet including the boarded birds.

    * Regular out of the cage time and handled.

    * Education plays a big role here. We do several programs yearly just to answer questions and teach kids and adults about birds. This year we also brought in our friends from Wild Wings to show off some of their non releasable education birds.

    * If you have questions, we can answer them. "I don't know" is not an option. We've got the experience that others don't.

    * The owner, me, is here every day, most of the time too.

    * We try and break the stereotype of "pet stores" that just push pets on people. There are many species of birds we don't sell as they don't do well as pets.

9/29/17 Recent deliveries of cages, toys and birds has this place packed. Calendars are back too, 2018 in many different varieties. If you haven't joined our rewards program you better get on the ball. It saves you money, get free seed, discounts on toys... If you're out of town and we regularly ship to you, you can still enroll. Give us a call and we'll hook ya up.

9/21/17 Be sure to follow us on Twitter, the link is over there to the left, and on Instagram, birdsUnlted, and of course Facebook where we have nearly 2500 likes. Thanks everyone.

9/12/17 So it's back by popular demand, the "Bird Cam", The link is right over there to the left. If you want to see a baby bird and you may be one of our out of towners, let us know what you want to see and we'll get the cam on it. If you're boarding your bird you can check up to see how it's doing. Most of the time it'll be pointed at the babies in the tanks. It'll be on during store hours. What a great way to kill some time at work. 

8/28/17 What a great Saturday we had here. Jess & Ashley came out from Wild Wings and showed off a few birds, Barred Owl, Screech Owl, A Kestrel, and a Red Tailed Hawk. If you've not been to Wild Wings, you should, they're located in Mendon Ponds and have a lot of non releaseable animals to check out and learn a bit about. 

Lots of people showed up here. We have bird lovers of all types.  Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen, especially the great staff here @ BU.

8/22/17, Some cool new birds this week, Mitred Conre, Cherry Headed Conures, and a Red Factor Sun Conure. Not to mention, but I will anyway, a yellow Red Fronted Kakariki. 

These birds are all in the store being hand fed, actually just over 50 are being hand fed currently. The Babies page is always current. If it's on there we have it, if you don't see it..... we don't.

8/15/2017, Keep in mind, for the most up to date info check out our Facebook page. The link is over there on the left. 

 Summer's still soggy here in Rochester, but the babies keep coming in, something new every week this time of year. The supply starts to dry up by the end of September. Keep checking the babies link for current availability, and yes this is one of the few web sites that is kept current. Ok, this page has slipped a bit but now it's as current as the babies page. I won't promise something new every day but it will be more active.

 Don't forget about Birds Of Prey Day here at Birds Unlimited, Saturday August 26, from noon to 2. There will be live birds to see and you can ask questions about these fantastic creatures, see them up close. Brought to you by Wild Wings. Mark it on your calendar. 

 Have you joined our rewards program? What? It's like free money. Ask about it the next time you're in. Sometimes extra food, discount on a toy ... check it out, free to sign up too. Who doesn't like free stuff? 

 Ever seen albino Quaker Parrots? You can if you stop in here. First time we've ever had 'em. Very cool,very friendly.